Friday, November 13, 2009

Today is the first day of the food revolution of your life.

Have you ever been at a place in your life - or at some time - when everything stood still and you realized in that instant that your world was about to change forever? When you realized that the group of people whom you called "strangers" yesterday would be your Community tomorrow and forever?

I was at that place today. And that WILL BE my community tomorrow.

Today we welcomed (well, I curtseyed) Will Allen and his Growing Power team to our beginnings at Feed Denver! Will and his team arrived for a day of prep work and educational outreach before the kick off of the (sold out) hands-on workshop, "From the Ground Up", starting tomorrow and running through the weekend at our place of residence at The Urban Farm at Stapleton.

Today Colleen Brown and Jordan Stone, the sparkling duo from Growing Power, were busy cutting lengths of lumber for the construction of our demonstration aquaculture and aquaponics greenhouse systems, hoop house construction, worm depository and more. We Feed Denver-ers, an enthusiastic crew of volunteers who've been working for weeks and months on the project, were busy assisting Will and his team, setting up for the workshop, making runs for food and supplies, placing last-minute phone calls and emails and truly BONDING with each other like we'd all discovered the secret to life and happiness: working together to feed Denver and to make a difference. Lisa Rogers, Feed Denver's Founder and Executive Director, made herself available to everyone. Her mantra today - "I just say okay!" - was the best directive I've ever received and sealed my conviction that this was The Day That Life Changed Forever.

Later in the morning, when Will had graciously turned the phone over to me and allowed me to hook up with Ming, his social media guru at Growing Power, I had the pleasure of a few moments with him to ask about his thoughts for the day:

"It's great to be here at Feed Denver's new urban farm. We look forward to assisting you in the development of this farm and its infrastructure. We look forward to educating and training the folks in the Denver metro and regional area - and the surrounding states - who are taking part in this workshop. We hope that our outreach will foster the growth of small-scale enterprises that will ultimately provide food to this area. We want to engage and encourage the community to bring in more local food and to become part of the larger food system and, mostly, to help grow The Good Food Revolution."

A revelation: it's a revolution. A Food Revolution... has begun.

Jan Dillon is creator of City Farmer(tm) and Social Media Consultant to Feed Denver